A joining badge, will be earned by completing certain requirements. As of January 2016, the Scout badge has a gold fleur-de-lis on a tan background and is also considered as a first class badge. The badge is awarded when the individual demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge of Scouting skills and ideals such as tying a square knot and knowing the Scout oath.
Requirementis the second rank a scout can earn. A Scout can work on the requirements for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks at the same time, but each rank must be earned in sequence. The badge is awarded when the Scout completes requirements in the areas of Crafting, physical fitness and personal growth while promoting the spirit of the program.
RequirementThe badge is awarded when the Scout completes requirements in an advanced level of Crafting, physical fitness and personal growth while promoting the spirit of the program.
RequirementThe badge is awarded when the Scout completes requirements in the areas of Crafting, physical fitness and personal growth while taking onus for their actions and supporting others for a greater good. At this point, Scouts stop focusing on the skills, and start working on leadership. Individuals participating in the level must also gain the basic first aid merit badge that includes CPR.
Requirementis offered to those individuals who showcase a minimum of 21 badges. With the acquiring of the Star Badge, the participant must have a minimum of 13 badges required for applying for the Eagle Scout badge. Star badge is the third-highest rank. Star is awarded when the Scout serves actively in the troop, team or crew events and stays in the position of responsibility for at least 4 months; performs at least six hours of community service; and earns six merit badges (four of which must be among the 13 required for Eagle Scout rank).
RequirementBadge is the second-highest rank attainable. Life is awarded when the Scout serves actively in the troop, team or crew events, serves in a position of responsibility for six months, and performs six hours of community service. A Scout must also earn five merit badges (at least three of which must be required for the rank of Eagle) for a total of 11, including the six previously earned. Finally, the Scout must pass a Scoutmaster written test and viva. The merit badges concerned with health and fitness are First Aid, Lifesaving, Public Health, Personal Health and Athletics. Along with these the scout must also be proficient with the Scouts law and must practice it in their life.
RequirementIs the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting division. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young minds. Requirements include earning a minimum total of 21 merit badges, including all required badges that were not previously earned, and demonstration of the spirit of the program, service and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and manages.